

What type of bike do you ride and how many years have you been riding?

2006 Harley Road King Classic, about 10 years.


How many bikes have you had and what kinds?

1974 Honda XL 100 and my Road King Classic.


How did you get your nickname?

It's just a family nickname passed on from my dad.  He was "Pete" aid it was passed to my sibilings but I guess it stuck with me.


How many years have you been a Roughrider?

Since around 2001.


What do you enjoy the most about being a Roughrider?

Riding and the brotherhood!  Also, doing charitable work is very rewarding.


Who was your Roughrider sponsor and how did you meet?

Beef was my sponsor.  He was President at the time and I was looking for a club to ride with.  I contacted him, did some rides, hung out and then he sponsored me.


Besides riding motorcycles, what other hobbies do you have?

Puzzles, crossword puzzles, working out and helping my son with his '65 Chevelle.

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