What type of bike do you ride and how many years have you been riding?
2011 HD Ultra Classic.
How many bikes have you had and what kinds?
1985 Honda Magna, 2005 HD Soft Tail and 2011 HD Ultra Classic.
How did you get your nickname?
From being on the news and in news papers so many times for military stuff.
How many years have you been a Roughrider?
I became a Roughrider in 2005.
What do you enjoy the most about being a Roughrider?
I love being a Roughrider! I most enjoy the fact that we all come from different backgrounds and professions yet we all get along like we are truly family.
Who was your Roughrider sponsor and how did you meet?
Bob, nickname Rail. He was a founding member.
Besides riding motorcycles, what other hobbies do you have?
Spending time with my family.