
What type of bike to your currently rider and how many years have you been riding?

2013 Roadglide.  Starting at age 14 around the farm.  FDirst street legal motorcycle at age 16.


How many bikes have you had and what kinds?

Easy to forget but after some thought....

Yamaha Virago 535cc, Yamaha Virago 750cc, Honda 350 4 cyl., 1978 Harley FLH, 1999 Harley 1200 Sportster, 1998 Harley Dyna Wide Glide, 2007 Harley FX Springer CVO and a 2013 Harley Road Glide.

How did you get your nickname?

Retired Gynecologist or the initials of my name. (Your choice.)


How many years have you been a Roughrider?

Since 2002.


What do you enjoy most about being a Roughrider?

The brotherhood.


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