What type of bike do you ride and how many years have you been riding?
I currently ride a 2014 Ultra Classic Limited. I began riding a mini bike at 6 so I've been riding over 45 years.
How many bikes have you had and what kinds?
1975 Honda 60, 1980 Honda 250 dirt bike, 2002 Heritage Classic and a 2010 Ultra Classic Limted
How did you get your nickname?
The members say it's because I am cooler than the rest. Actually it's a result of a little too much fun at a Roughrider trip out of state where I ended up sleeing with my beer cooler. A VERY proud moment!
How many years have you been a Roughrider?
I became a Roughrider in 2017.
What do you enjoy the most about being a Roughrider?
The riding and the friendships! The group is very diverse but we have a common goal to benefit the community. There is a high level of camaraderie and unity within the group. Beyone that the group is a lot of fun!
Who was your Roughrider sponsor and how did you meet?
Dean/Beef was my sponsor. We met 10 years ago when I was organizing a fundraiser/poker run following the passing of That Hellbusch (A Roughrider) in Belgrade, NE.
Besides riding motorcycles, what other hobbies do you have?
I enjoy Husker football, traveling, live music/concert, spending time with my daughters and working.