

What type of bike do you currently ride and how many years have you been riding?

I ride an Electra Glide Ultra Classic.  Orange, black and white.


How many bikes have you owned and what kinds?

I have had 14 bikes including my dirt bikes.  I started on a Yamana 125, eventually moving yo to a Yamaha 250.  My first street bike was a Honda 400 followed by a Honda 750.  My first Harley Davidson was a 2002 Electra Glide Ultra Classic.


How did you get your nickname?

My nickname was given to me because I own the business I founded in 1982 called Ace Rent-To-Own.


How many years have you been a Roughrider?

I have been a Roughrider since 2007.


What do you enjoy most about being a Roughrider?

I enjoy being a part of a brotherhood of motorcycle riders that enjoy the freedom of the open road and the friendships that I have formed with many of the members of the Roughriders.


Who was your Roughrider sponsor and how did you meet?

Roger "Mr. D" was my sponsor and we met on a poker run.


Besides riding motorcycles, what other hobbies do you have?

My other hobbies include acting on local stages.  I have played various parts including Captain Von Trapp in the "Sound of Music," Billy Flynn in "Chicago" and Boolie Worthan in "Driving Miss Daisy."  I also enjoy golf and a good glass of wine.


Side note:  If you ever get a chance, go and see  in action in the next musical that he performs in.  He is an amazing talent!


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